Years Of Experience
Satisfied Customers

Residential Solutions

As the foremost provider of equipment and solutions, we take pride in helping you achieve the utmost comfort, convenience, and sustainability in your living space.Our dedication to enhancing the residential experience is mirrored in our unwavering commitment to providing top-notch  solutions and equipment. We believe at the heart of every home, playing a vital role in our daily lives. Therefore, we strive to empower homeowners with the means to maximize the potential of their dream homes.

     Awards & Certificates

Commercial Solutions

Our Commercial Solution is your go-to for Commercial Building Projects. Our specialized teams offer various products and services to meet your building system requirements.

Customers Services Solutions

Our service center in Kuwait has been serving customers for over 60 years, making it the largest and most experienced in the area. We proudly hold ISO certifications for quality, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety. Our dedicated team of engineers and technicians undergo training from European and American suppliers, ensuring we provide the best services and solutions. We are fully equipped to meet your maintenance and installation needs with a 24/7 call center, efficient logistics, and well-equipped warehouses.


Most concerns and inquiries are easily responded to through our first line of contact. If you have a concern or an inquiry, call our contact center or e-mail us to for immediate assistance.


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